Alberta Advisor Office Alberta Advisor Office

What do Worker Advisors Do?

Worker Advisors help you and your dependents with issues or disagreements you may have on your WCB claim. They provide expert advice and act as your representative.

Worker Advisors offer:

  • Education – They explain WCB legislation and policy and how it applies to your claim.
  • Advice and Support – They provide advice and guidance on working through the WCB appeal process and reviewing your eligibility for benefits. They will assist you with locating evidence to support your case.
  • Representation – They will represent you at all three levels of appeal - the WCB Customer Service Department, the Dispute Resolution and Decision Review Body (DRDRB), and the Appeals Commission (AC). Advisors will attend hearings with you, write submissions, and make arguments on your behalf.

Independent from WCB

The Advisor Office is a program of the Government of Alberta and is independent of WCB. Worker Advisors provide relevant, objective, and confidential advice.

Expertise in WCB Legislation and Policy

Worker Advisors have an average of 14 years of experience. They are experts in interpreting WCB legislation, policy, and procedures. This helps them assess decisions related to your claim.

Service Eligibility

Any worker with a WCB Alberta claim is eligible to access our services.  Our services are offered at no cost to workers.

View / Download About the Worker Advisor Branch