What is an Economic Loss Payment (ELP)?
- An Economic Loss Payment (ELP) is a wage replacement benefit for injured workers whose permanent work restrictions prevent them from returning to their pre-accident earnings.
- Generally, the WCB will continue to pay the ELP to an eligible worker to age 65 and at a decreased amount after age 65. Please visit our Economic Loss Payment After 65 page for more information.
- The ELP is calculated by taking date-of-accident net earnings and subtracting net earnings from the worker’s new actual or estimated (deemed) employment net earnings at 90 percent and divided by 12 months. ELPs are paid monthly.
What WCB legislation and policies apply?
- Workers’ Compensation Act of Alberta, Sections 56 and 63
- WCB Policy 04-04 Parts I and II - Permanent Disability
- WCB Policy 04-05 Parts I and II – Return-to-Work Services
What questions might your Worker Advisor ask you about the benefits that you may be entitled to?
- Is your compensation rate correct?
- What were your earnings at the time of your accident?
- Was your date-of-accident job permanent or subject to seasonal or contract-based layoffs (non-permanent)?
- If the job was non-permanent, what were your earnings for one year before taking this non-permanent job?
- What work income did you report to Revenue Canada last year?
- What is your shift cycle (hours per week/days per week etc.)?
- Are you a sub-contractor or an owner-operator?
- Do you have a second (concurrent) job?
- Do you normally work overtime hours?
- Do you have permanent work restrictions related to your work injury/disease?
- Do you have permanent work restrictions unrelated to your work injury/disease?
- Are you currently employed?
- When were you last employed?
- What are your current earnings?
- Are you working within your restrictions?
- Do you believe that you can obtain employment in the deemed position? If not, why not?
- Were you involved in choosing the deemed position?
- What is your work history?
- What is your academic history?
- What are your language abilities?
- What are your computer/keyboarding abilities?
- Do you have a criminal record or driver suspension?
- Do you have access to a vehicle?
What evidence might you need?
- Medical reports/opinions about all your physical restrictions/conditions
- Medical reports/opinions about all your psychological restrictions/conditions
- Tax records (Notice of Assessment, T4)
- Record of employment
- Paystubs
- Contracts to support employment
- WCB Labour Market information
- Alberta government Labour Market information or ALIS
- Labour Market information from other sources
- Academic assessments or education records
- Resume
- Job postings and a list of jobs you applied for